Resources for Tomatis® Practitioners

My goal is to help you learn what to do and how to think to grow your Tomatis® practice by providing practical instructions, clarity and structure.

I created this platform to help you and your Tomatis® practice blossom. 

I bring 18 years of big corporate experience—ranging from education, curriculum development, communication, human resource, quality management, process management, software development, translation, national language support, project management, operational development, marketing and sales—followed by 20+ years as a Tomatis® Senior Consultant, International Trainer, and award-winning small business owner.

Maria Moell Lundqvist, Tomatis® International Trainer,  Mentor

Available Resources

Advertise on KidsLink in New Zealand

Maria has negotiated a very favourable price for listing your services on KidsLink. The course fee contributes to the administration cost by TNZ on behalf of KidsLink. Their fee [$250 + GST] will be invoiced separately.

Initial Assessment Forms and Questionnaires

Forms and questionnaires I have developed and refined for 25+ years in my Tomatis® centre in Sweden and since 2012 in New Zealand.

How to create your Tomatis® Practitioner client contract

Learn how to use my latest comprehensive MS Word template to create your own contract. It's based on 25+ years experience of running a Tomatis® practice.  

Attract your ideal clients on

Do this course if you want to be listed on  Follow the instructions carefully. The course fee covers the creation of your personal profile page and uploading of your information and images.   

How to optimize your Practitioner profile on

Optimize your profile on to attract the clients you want to work with.

VM Programming 1:1 Coaching Session

Coaching Call (60 minutes) in VM programming for your clients or use the time for a private Q&A session. I will continue to support you afterwards – to a reasonable extent – to make sure you get the hang of it.

Foolproof Results for Babies and Toddlers

Learn how to accurately measure results, create beautiful graphs, and show parents exactly how Tomatis® helped their baby or toddler. No more "maybe it was just the natural development". 

Case Study: BC Kit with SEAM™ and Video

How to use the Tomatis Bone Conduction Kit with a baby. Case study with SEAM™ questionnaire data and video clips.

Tomatis® Bone Conduction Kit Resources

BC Kit brochure, demonstration, TalksUp® programme download resources

Auditory Processing and The Tomatis® Method

Presentation by Maria about Auditory Processing, Tomatis® and why it's important. From May 2024.

Tomatis® Infinite Headphones Resources

Tomatis® Infinite Headphones resources from TDSA

Tomatis® Level 4 Course 21Nov2020

This course was delivered via Zoom on 21-22 and 28-29 November + follow-up day + Sonic Journey 1:1 coaching.

Tomatis® Level 3 Course from 29Sep2020

Video replays from a Level 3 course with Maria including an improved laterality cheat sheet and programming template.

    Tomatis® Level 1 Course

    For Tomatis® trainees in New Zealand and Sweden. If you are a NZ or Swedish Level 1 practitioner and want to attend the live course again, contact me for access.

    Overview of Development Needed to Learn Calmly

    In this video series, Charlotte Davies, Tomatis® Consultant Level 4 in the UK, teaches you physiological development all humans need in order to learn efficiently.

    Coaching Calls for New Zealand Tomatis® Practitioners

    Recordings from Maria's Coaching Calls/Networking Calls for Tomatis® Practitioners. 

    My Resources Available Resources
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